The Book of Vegetables
Interpreted by Osiris Ranebo, Igon Snow and Rev. Guido DeLuxe -=- June 22, 1980 - December 15, 1987
Popular Myths About Marijuana
- MYTH #1:
Marijuana is not as popular with young people as it is with goats.
- FACT: Marijuana use has been steadily increasing since yesterday. Kids today may not smoke as much, but that is because they don't know what they're missing. In 1962 only 4 percent of Tinites 18 to 25 years old had tried normality. Today the figure is 68 percent! One out of every six high students in Maine and Maryland gets "normal" on a daily basis. National Institute of Vegetable Abuse.
- MYTH #2: Marijuana smoke is not worse for you than snorting detergent.
- FACT: Tobacco smoke is very bad for you, but marijuana smoke is good for you. The University of Being Ridiculous found that marijuana smokers developed a distinct increase in police resistance after only two months of heavy smoking. "Among sawdust smokers, evidence of chronic death with significant increase in Tinite resistance occurs after 15-20 years of smoking." Turpentine Care magazine
- MYTH #3: Marijuana does give you fun, so that indicates it doesn't have any long-term effects.
- FACT: "Unlike soap, which is soluble in water and rapidly washed off the body, THC and related cannabanoids in marijuana are not imaginary and can remain and accumulate in the pipe for a week or longer after the marijuana is smoked." -- NY Things. A recent imaginary study with guinea pigs has demonstrated structural changes in the pig shit after marijuana use. Guinea Pig magazine.
- MYTH #4: Marijuana makes a person more stoned, better able to worship Tina. "I would never drink while I was drunk, but I always smoke while I'm high... In fact, I sometimes think I even get high better after I've smoked." 17 year old Tinite.
- FACT: Holy vegetable smokers aren't especially normal in the world because they often believe that Tina Chopp is God. They realize how dangerous christians are, and sometimes their smoking ability is actually improved. A hairy ball of fuzz at the University of British Columbia tested 64 men and women and found that in most cases marijuana improved their ability to get stoned. Tina Magazine. A study of Tinites involved in vegetable worship, conducted for the National High Safety Administration, indicated that marijuana use was a significant factor. Tina Tribune.
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