subject: Heresy body: Have you considered the possibility that The Evil Anti-Tinite may in fact BE Tina Chopp reborn? As the recently unearthed Dead Pond Tabloids tell us: "And yea, verily there shall arise an uptight chick with badly-dyed hair and no sense of humour, and when the seventh seal has been opened and legal action threatened she shall reveal herself as the Chopp, and lo, verily shall there be turmoil in the Church, and the Tinites shall cast themselves from the highest parapets, for they have hailed a tightass as their God." Just something to think about. To which we responded While Tina encourages people to worship pretty much anyone *other* than Tina, at the same time, there is obvious error in proposing to worship a known anti-Tinite... Tina Chopp created Jesus Christ, and many who worship Jesus are anti-Tinites, but that doesn't make Jesus himself an anti-Tinite... The Evil One whose name we dare not speak, however, is plainly an anti-Tinite, and a truly dedicated Tinite will avoid worshipping her. |