15 October, 2000 (e.v., sorry) |

The Cantaloupe and The Zucchini Together |
In this very interesting picture, the entrails of The Cantaloupe and The Zucchini can be seen together. This accentuates the stark contrast mentioned previously, and also shows the precise alignment and orientation of the entrails of each vegetable in relation to each other. It is this kind of detail in the Prophetic Signs that is our ongoing proof of Tina's awesome kindness and wisdom, and Her infinite compassion to we mere humans who worship Her.
Of course, the art of Interpreting the Prophetic Signs is one that is only developed by a regular practice of Vegetable Sacrifice, and each individual Tinite's interpretation is only intended for the one doing the interpretation, nevertheless The Church of Tina always makes an "Official" Interpretation of the Prophetic Signs, and that "Official" Interpretation is always that The Public Ritual of Vegetable Sacrifice should continue to be celebrated by whoever wants to, whenever they wish. The Church of Tina Chopp encourages everyone to celebrate this most memorable of Tina's Sacred Rituals, without regard to how stupid you may feel. You may feel strange doing this kind of thing, "but think of John and Yoko", and you will know that Tina is truly The One who guides your actions.
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