The Object

17 October, 1999
The Object
The Group of Tinites Below The Bridge
The Group of Tinites Below The Bridge
     As before, after The Ritual was over, we all gathered in the parking lot below the bridge and discussed the prophetic signs, plans for the future, hopes, dreams and other significant items of interest.
A non-Tinite praises Tina
A non-Tinite praises Tina
Of course, The Church had its own private gathering, to which only Church members are invited, but prior to that, all the participants praised Tina and expressed their enjoyment and gratification over having taken part in the ritual.

     Actually, a realization has recently been revealed to Church administrators and there is a possibility that a new place, closer to Seattle proper, where more Tinites can gather more easily and more frequently is currently being considered. That location is one of the bridges over Cowan Park, also known as Ravenna Park, near the University District in Seattle. The bridge has adequate height and accessibility and is remote enough that we will probably not have to worry about getting arrested as much as we might in other areas. Currently research is being done on the feasibility of utilising this location for more frequent performances of the Public Ritual. When a decision is reached, please look for an annoucement on The Church's announcements page, at the Vegetable Sacrifice page and/or in email, if you are on our exclusive email list.

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