The Object

17 October, 1999
The Object
Rev. DeLuxe blesses the pumpkin
Rev. DeLuxe ritually blesses The Church's Sacrificial Pumpkin
     The Church of Tina Chopp celebrated the Ritual of Pumpkin Sacrifice for the
"Red" Pussycat and her pumpkin
"Red" Pussycat & one of her sacrifical pumpkins
second time in six years on Sunday, 17 October, 1999 (era vulgaris, sorry) at the Change Creek Bridge on the Iron Horse Trail in the Cascade Mountain Range in Washington state. Once again, Tina graced us with a beautiful, warm, sunny day, which was a welcome relief in this area which is so notorious for its grey, damp, dank climate, and everyone enjoyed the hike, the scenery and the environment as much as they enjoyed the ceremony. The ritual was changed a little bit from last year in that the circular reading of The Books of Tina Chopp took place prior to everyone's ascent to the bridge. This was primarily because Rev. DeLuxe didn't want to worry about stragglers showing up late and not knowing where to go. As it turned out, the ritual started later than planned anyway, and there were a number of late-comers, but it didn't make that much difference.

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