15 October, 2000 (e.v., sorry) |

Pumpkin Entrails |

Epopt Bunger Mulkin!'s Pumpkin Entrails |
Here are some images of the wide variety of Vegetable Entrails produced by The Ritual. As you can easily see, the resulting Prophetic Signs are ripe for interpreting, and, as is also fairly obvious, a clear Message from The Mind of Tina is also obvious.

Cantaloupe Entrails |
The intent of Tina's instructions to the faithful can be clearly seen in the watery splatter of the cantaloupe, and is especially accentuated in the angles and colour combinations revealed by the zucchini. At the same time, the stringy consistency, and large chunks can be seen as a clear warning to those who would ignore Tina's demands upon them.

Zucchini Entrails |
Furthermore, the stark contrast between the fairly large and chunky entrails of the pumpkins and zucchini compared to the outright disintegration of the cantaloupe cannot be ignored. Prophetic Signs of this nature are quite rare and obviously portend important changes in the world. Of course, what these changes may be is up to the interpretation of each individual Tinite, and is not dictated by Church doctrine.
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