The Object


14 October, 2001 (e.v., sorry)
The Object
Pumpkin guts
Sacred Entrails

Once again, the prophetic messages in the Sacred Entrails were clearly evident. The precise placement of the entrails in the environment, and in relation to other object, and the predominant presence of objects which had come to rest on top of, or occluding the edges of the pieces of pumpkin were clear and unmistakable indicators of prophetic meaning.

The Sacred Entrails from the Church's Official Pumpkin were practically inaccessible, as were some of the Entrails from Satch's pumpkin. Nevertheless, the prophetic implication is clear,
Pumpkin and leaves
The Hidden Entrails
even in those cases where the Entrails themselves were not visible at all. The clear indications of the leaves, and the placement of the Entrails between the leaves and rocks surely cannot be mistaken, nor can the significance of the widely varied colour combinations and other bondidomscompomptity.

George threw his pumpkin from up there
George's pumpkin fell from up there...

Then we found where George's pumpkin had disappeared, and discovered the miraculous sign from Tina it carried with it. After having been thrown from the bridge surface, approximately 100 feet, George Revolgurd's pumpkin had a small crack in one side but was otherwise completely intact. Tina had saved it from splattering upon impact, and the message of that miracle was clearly evident. We were all amazed that George, a former enemy of The Church, and one who had been declared anti-Tinite by Rev. Osiris Ranebo, could have recieved such a clear message of Tina's blessing. It was truly a miracle, and we all paused to reflect on the nature of the reformed anti-Tinite and his fervent sacrifice.

The Miraculous Pumpkin
...and yet, remained in one piece!

To celebrate Tina's direct and personal message to him, George hacked a large hole in the pumpkin with a butcher's cleaver which, conveniently, he had in his coat pocket.

The interpretation of the Prophetic Messages in the Sacred Entrails is always a very personal thing, and each individual is expected to discern their own personal message from the placement and quality of the Entrails. As a tradition, The Church has always proclaimed a Public Interpretation, which, of course, has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the individual, personal meanings interpreted by each of the Ritual's participants. And, as always, The Church's Public Interpretation is that the Public Ritual of Vegetable Sacrifice should be performed more, and more frequently as time goes on.

Of course, The Church encourages everyone, everywhere to create and participate in their own Tinite rituals, without regard to established Church tradition, however we also hope that people will be inclined to participate in Church traditions as well, and we hope that our Public Ritual Vegetable Sacrifice, if nothing else, can be a model after which invidual rituals can be designed.

pretty horizontal line