The Object

17 October, 1999
The Object
Evan throws his pumpkin
Evan throws his pumpkin
     Rev. DeLuxe blessed The Church's pumpkin offering in the standard manner and dedicated the ceremony to Tina Chopp and to all future Ritual Vegetable Sacrifices. Shortly afterwards the air was filled with flying pumpkins and the cheers (and jeers) of the onlookers. Many pumpkins landed either directly on the trail, or on the large rock outcropping to the left (west) of the trail as we were looking off the bridge.
Tami and her pumpkin
Tami throws her pumpkin
The confusion that accompanied last year's sacrifice was mitigated primarily because of the warning that the participants had gotten concerning the height of the bridge prior to the circular reading, but also because there weren't any dogs frantically bouncing around. A couple of the particpants, however, did spend most of the time they were on top of the bridge, sitting as far away from the edge as they could get.

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