The Object
The Object

     The closest Sunday to the second Tuesday of the month, except in October of 2001, when it will be the closest Sunday to the third Tuesday (i.e. 14th October, 2001).

     The currently planned Public Ritual will be held on

When YOU want to attend a ritual!

at HIGH Noon

When YOU want a ritual, CONTACT US and we'll set one up!

     Change Creek Bridge, eXit-38 off of Interstate 90, approximately 30 miles east of Seattle. There is an interactive map here.

A Map to the Location of eXit-38

     Going either east or west on Interstate 90, a few miles east of North Bend, take eXit-38 and head south (right if you're going east, left if you're going west) when you get to the end of the offramp. This will be Tinkham Road. Follow the road around the corner (you will now be headed more or less east) and look for the gathering of people on the left about a quarter mile up the road. Failing that, look for the little concrete bridge, or if you're really lost, look up and to the south and watch for the tall railroad bridge. If people arrive before you, there will probably be a group gathered at street level. If we have already left for the bridge we will probably put up a "Vegetable Sacrifice" sign on the guard rail pointing to the trail head.

     Hopefully, if you want to come, you can provide your own transportation. Local people might want to carpool. Some rides might be able to be arranged. Please contact The Church for further details.  

A special note for Church Members Only. The rest of you, go back to the Vegetable Sacrifice page, go back to Main Menu... or don't.

pretty horizontal line